삼성전자의 실적 HBM/중동전쟁 하마스이란 이스라엘 석유 천연가스 흥구석유/해운주 흥아해운/댐 4대강 이화공영/파리올림픽 코로나 관련주, 대장주 [7/31(수) 주식 이슈]


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Jetty’s stock news I’m J.T. who runs a stock quiz blog We provide real-time stock news and information needed for investment Inquiries about entering a regular room If you want to study stocks steadily, please visit our blog as well Jetty Stock News I’m J.T. who runs a stock quiz blog We provide real-time stock news and information needed for investment Inquiries about entering a regular room If you want to study stocks steadily, please visit our blog as well


1. KOSPI rebounded again amid Samsung Electronics’ good performance… 1.19% ↑★★★★ 1. KOSPI rebounded again amid Samsung Electronics’ good performance… 1.19%↑★★★★

Before the market started, the domestic market was launched because it was worried that semiconductor stocks might be pushed hard today due to news of NVIDIA’s plunge. Before the market started, the domestic market was launched because it was worried that semiconductor stocks might be pushed hard today due to news of NVIDIA’s plunge.

However, today is Samsung Electronics’ earnings announcement day, and thanks to Samjung’s good performance, foreigners responded by buying rather than selling, raising the stock prices of Samjung and Hynix by 3%. However, today is Samsung Electronics’ earnings announcement day, and thanks to Samjung’s good performance, foreigners responded by buying rather than selling, raising the stock prices of Samjung and Hynix by 3%.

That’s why the KOSPI stock market closed higher today. Samsung Electronics’ Heungpungtan Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) rose 1.19 percent to close at 2,770 points. ( ) That’s why the KOSPI stock market closed higher today. Samsung Electronics’ Heungpungtan Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) rose 1.19 percent to close at 2,770 points. ( )

Samsung Electronics’ Heungpungbun KOSPI closed at the 2,770-point level, up 1.19%, and the KOSPI recovered to the 2,770-point level as it succeeded in rebounding in a day. In particular, Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, the top two semiconductor companies in Korea, led the index’s rise by 3 percent. “The KOSPI index (KOSPI) on the 31st said, “It was a long time ago. Samsung Electronics’ Heungpungbun KOSPI closed at the 2,770-point level, up 1.19%, and the KOSPI rebounded in a day, recovering the 2,770-point level. In particular, Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, the top two semiconductor companies in Korea, led the index’s rise by 3 percent. “The KOSPI index (KOSPI) on the 31st said, “It was a long time ago.


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Today’s stock price trend was quite meaningful because it succeeded in rebounding on a very important street corner. Today’s semiconductor stocks were generally good when Samjung and Hynix showed strong performance. Recently, YC, which signed a contract to supply HBM inspection equipment to Samjeong, rose 13%, while DI, a HBM inspection equipment company, also rose 11%. In addition, major HBM-related stocks such as Iotronics, Auros Technology, and PSK Holdings also showed strong performance. “Samsung Electronics’ 5th generation HBM, NVIDIA is expected to be approved in August-September” ( ) Today’s stock price trend was quite meaningful because it succeeded in rebounding on a very important street corner. Today’s semiconductor stocks were generally good when Samjung and Hynix showed strong performance. Recently, YC, which signed a contract to supply HBM inspection equipment to Samjeong, rose 13%, while DI, a HBM inspection equipment company, also rose 11%. In addition, major HBM-related stocks such as Iotronics, Auros Technology, and PSK Holdings also showed strong performance. “Samsung Electronics’ 5th generation HBM, NVIDIA is expected to be approved in August-September” ( )

KB Securities predicted that “Samsung Electronics’ 5th generation HBM, NVIDIA approval forecast from August to September” Samsung Electronics will record its highest performance in three years in the second half of the year after receiving HBM3E approval from NVIDIA from August to September. Kim Dong-won, a researcher at Samsung Electronics, said, “Recently, Samsung Electronics is in full swing at HBM3E. “Samsung Electronics’ 5th generation HBM, NVIDIA approval forecast from August to September,” KB Securities predicted that Samsung Electronics will record its highest performance in three years in the second half of the year after receiving HBM3E approval from NVIDIA from August to September. Kim Dong-won, a researcher at Samsung Electronics, said, “Recently, Samsung Electronics is in full swing at HBM3E.

As NVIDIA approval forecasts for HBM3E, the current most important 5th generation HBM, flooded the stock market today, it is likely to have a positive impact on investor sentiment in HBM stocks for the time being. As long as tonight’s beautiful clothes are settled, tomorrow’s clothes can continue the rally. This is expected as Nvidia, which plunged the previous day, is currently rebounding in the flea market. 2. Hamas Supreme Leader Killed in Israeli Attack: Oil and Natural Gas Stocks Jump ★★★★ As NVIDIA approval forecasts for HBM3E, the current most important 5th generation HBM, flooded the stock market today, it is likely to have a positive impact on investor sentiment in HBM stocks for the time being. As long as tonight’s beautiful clothes are settled, tomorrow’s clothes can continue the rally. This is expected as Nvidia, which plunged the previous day, is currently rebounding in the flea market. 2. Hamas Supreme Leader Killed in Israeli Attack: Oil and Natural Gas Stocks Jump ★★★★

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▲Is it a catalyst for the expansion of the 5th Middle East War? ▲ Hamas leader Ismail Hanier, head of the Hamas political bureau, was assassinated in Tehran to attend the inauguration ceremony of Iran’s president. The murder of Hamas leader in Iran’s heart… ▲ Hamas leader Ismail Hanier, head of Hamas’s Palestinian armed faction, was assassinated in Tehran to attend Iran’s inauguration ceremony, causing another major disaster in the Middle East.

War clouds have been drifting in the Middle East for a few days, and a big accident happened today. He was killed in an Israeli attack in the middle of Tehran, the capital of Ismail Haniega, the supreme leader of Hamas, a Palestinian militant group. When related news broke during the day, oil stocks, including Heunggu Oil, soared. War clouds have been drifting in the Middle East for a few days, and a big accident happened today. He was killed in an Israeli attack in the middle of Tehran, the capital of Ismail Haniega, the supreme leader of Hamas, a Palestinian militant group. When related news broke during the day, oil stocks, including Heunggu Oil, soared.

If you look at the chart of Heunggu Oil on the right, it fluctuated rapidly every time a big war broke out in the Middle East. This is already the sixth surge, and the bottom point is continuing to rise. The shooting is also likely to spread the war because Hamas’s supreme leader was killed. Let’s take a look at the leading oil and natural gas stocks that have been strong today. [Oil-related stocks] 1. Heunggu Oil: It is a company that buys gasoline, kerosene, diesel, etc. from GS Caltex and sells them to Gyeongsangbuk-do, and is a theme blacksmith. 2. Korea Oil: We sell petrochemical products and run synthetic resin business, and along with Heunggu Oil, it is also soaring as a theme stock. 3. Central Enabis: We also sell general oils such as gasoline and diesel to businesses in the Tokyo metropolitan area. [Natural gas related stocks] 1. Daesung Energy: We receive natural gas from Korea Gas Corporation and supply city gas. Among the themes of natural gas are blacksmiths. 2. GSE: The main business is city gas supply, and along with Daesung Energy, it is a sector-led stock that tends to soar. 3. Korea Gas Corporation: It is a monopolistic company supplying LNG in Korea and has a market capitalization of more than 4 trillion won. Currently, we were trying to rewind with the theme of blue whales, but the Middle East topic also had a two-seam impact to some extent. If you look at the chart of Heunggu Oil on the right, it fluctuated rapidly every time a big war broke out in the Middle East. This is already the sixth surge, and the bottom point is continuing to rise. The shooting is also likely to spread the war because Hamas’s supreme leader was killed. Let’s take a look at the leading oil and natural gas stocks that have been strong today. [Oil-related stocks] 1. Heunggu Oil: It is a company that buys gasoline, kerosene, diesel, etc. from GS Caltex and sells them to Gyeongsangbuk-do, and is a theme blacksmith. 2. Korea Oil: We sell petrochemical products and run synthetic resin business, and along with Heunggu Oil, it is also soaring as a theme stock. 3. Central Enabis: We also sell general oils such as gasoline and diesel to businesses in the Tokyo metropolitan area. [Natural gas related stocks] 1. Daesung Energy: We receive natural gas from Korea Gas Corporation and supply city gas. Among the themes of natural gas are blacksmiths. 2. GSE: The main business is city gas supply, and along with Daesung Energy, it is a sector-led stock that tends to soar. 3. Korea Gas Corporation: It is a monopolistic company supplying LNG in Korea and has a market capitalization of more than 4 trillion won. Currently, we were trying to rewind with the theme of blue whales, but the Middle East topic also had a two-seam impact to some extent.

3. Shipping stocks also rose again due to Iran’s immediate retaliation warning ★★★☆ 3. Shipping stocks also rose again due to Iran’s immediate retaliation warning★★★☆

Iran announces retaliation for ‘Hanie assassination’ to Israel: ‘To pay a harsh price’ ( ) Iran announces retaliation for ‘Hanie assassination’ to Israel: ‘To pay a harsh price’ ( )

Iran, Israel, Iran, Iran’s top political leaders Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei and President Masud Pejesikian are the killers of the assassination of Hamas’ supreme political leader Ismail Haniye in Tehran, Iran, on the 31st (local time)

Iran cannot be silent about the shooting in the middle of Iran’s capital. Eventually, Iran announced retaliation against Israel. As the Middle East War showed signs of spreading again, shipping stocks other than oil and natural gas also soared. The current rise in sea fares was due to the effects of the Middle East War. As Middle East risks resurfaced and maritime stocks were also concentrated on expectations of an additional rise in sea fares, we will check out major stocks. Iran cannot be silent about the shooting in the middle of Iran’s capital. Eventually, Iran announced retaliation against Israel. As the Middle East War showed signs of spreading again, shipping stocks other than oil and natural gas also soared. The current rise in sea fares was due to the effects of the Middle East War. As Middle East risks resurfaced and maritime stocks were also concentrated on expectations of an additional rise in sea fares, we will check out major stocks.

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[Shipping & Logistics-related stocks] (1) STX Green Logistics: A global logistics shipping company divided by STX, which has recently become a major stock in the order of the increase in shipping stocks. (2)Heung-A Shipping Co., Ltd. is a theme-driven stock, with its main business being the transportation of liquid petrochemical products by sea. Outside the city, it rose 7 percent. (3)Hansol Logistics : It operates marine and air forwarding businesses and container transportation businesses. (4) HMM is a general shipping company that operates and operates container ships, tankers, and cargo ships. (5)Taewoong Logistics Co., Ltd : Our business purpose is to arrange international logistics. (6)Korea Shipping Co., Ltd : It is one of the theme-driven stocks in bulk shipping companies. 4. The smell of the four rivers in the government’s multi-purpose dam construction project…? Ewha Co-prosperity is soaring again today ★★★☆ [Shipping & Logistics-related stocks] (1) STX Green Logistics: It is a global logistics shipping company divided into STX, and has recently become a major stock in the order of the increase in shipping stocks. (2)Heung-A Shipping Co., Ltd. is a theme-driven stock, with its main business being the transportation of liquid petrochemical products by sea. Outside the city, it rose 7 percent. (3)Hansol Logistics : It operates marine and air forwarding businesses and container transportation businesses. (4) HMM is a general shipping company that operates and operates container ships, tankers, and cargo ships. (5)Taewoong Logistics Co., Ltd : Our business purpose is to arrange international logistics. (6)Korea Shipping Co., Ltd : It is one of the theme-driven stocks in bulk shipping companies. 4. The smell of the four rivers in the government’s multi-purpose dam construction project…? Ewha Co-prosperity skyrockets today too★★★☆

First new multipurpose dam in 14 years to be constructed in four rivers ( ) First new multipurpose dam in 14 years to be constructed in four rivers ( )

The government, which is pushing for the construction of new multipurpose dams and four rivers for the first time in 14 years, has decided to push for the construction of new dams in 14 places nationwide. Moon Jae In It overturned the government’s policy to cancel the new dam in 2018 and announced a plan to build a new multi-purpose dam for the first time in 14 years. Environment Minister Kim Wan-seop said at the Seoul Government Complex on the 30th, “ The government, which is promoting the construction of new multi-purpose dams for the first time in 14 years, has decided to promote the construction of new dams in 14 places nationwide. Moon Jae In It overturned the government’s policy to cancel the new dam in 2018 and announced a plan to build a new multi-purpose dam for the first time in 14 years. Environment Minister Kim Wan-seop said at the Seoul Government Complex on the 30th, “n.

When the government says it will build a new multi-purpose dam, public opinion is against it. Lee Myung Bak Some criticize the four major river projects under the government, saying they remember them. However, the keyword “four major rivers” itself is also a source of investor sentiment in the stock market. When the government says it will build a new multi-purpose dam, public opinion is against it. Lee Myung Bak Some criticize the four major river projects under the government, saying they remember them. However, the keyword “four major rivers” itself is also a source of investor sentiment in the stock market.

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The reason is that there have been cases where theme stocks of the four major rivers soared tremendously during the Lee Myung Bak administration in the past. The reason is that there have been cases where theme stocks of the four major rivers soared tremendously during the Lee Myung Bak administration in the past.

Ewha Engineering & Construction Chart of 2007 Ewha Engineering & Construction Chart of 2007

At that time, Ewha Public Corporation, which was the general stock of the theme of the four major rivers, was more than 30 times higher than the bottom, making it a big hit. It is still a legendary stock in the K stock market, so following yesterday, buying to remember the scent of the time was concentrated, rising 24% by itself, showing strength. Other stocks didn’t go up much today, so it was a bit of a wait-and-see market. Three-vote cement, which was included in the blue whale theme, rose 6 percent At that time, Ewha Public Corporation, which was the general stock of the theme of the four major rivers, was more than 30 times higher than the bottom, making it a big hit. It is still a legendary stock in the K stock market, so following yesterday, buying to remember the scent of the time was concentrated, rising 24% by itself, showing strength. Other stocks didn’t go up much today, so it was a bit of a wait-and-see market. Three-vote cement, which was included in the blue whale theme, rose 6 percent

Yushin, which grew by receiving orders for major government projects during the four major river projects in the past, also rose 5% as interest in the market drew attention for the first time in a while. The theme of the four major rivers project is a beneficiary of government policy, just like the recently resurfaced blue whale theme, and it requires some long-term waiting time to become a reality. However, due to the large size of the business, if the business becomes more specific, market interest in related stocks may continue to be focused, so major stocks should be checked. 5. COVID-19 confirmed cases spreading to the Paris Olympics…Corona-related stocks ↑★★★☆ Yushin, who grew up receiving orders for major government projects during the past four-river project, also rose 5% due to market interest after a long time. The theme of the four major rivers project is a beneficiary of government policy, just like the recently resurfaced blue whale theme, and it requires some long-term waiting time to become a reality. However, due to the large size of the business, if the business becomes more specific, market interest in related stocks may continue to be focused, so major stocks should be checked. 5. People infected with the new coronavirus infection spreading to the Paris Olympics…Corona-related stocks ↑★★★☆

Jinwon Life Sciences “VGXI, a subsidiary of the U.S. Rapid Response Cooperation Organization” ( ) Jinwon Life Sciences “VGXI, a subsidiary of the U.S. Rapid Response Cooperation Organization” ( )

Jinwon Life Sciences’ “Subsidiary VGXI, U.S. Quick Response Cooperation Organization Selection” biopharmaceutical developer Jinwon Life Sciences VGXI has been selected as a member of the Quick Response Cooperation Organization supported by the U.S. government. Jinwon Life Sciences is commissioned to develop and produce nucleic acid biopharmaceuticals such as gene therapy, DNA vaccines, and RNA drugs ( ) Jinwon Life Sciences’ “Subsidiary VGXI, U.S. Quick Response Cooperation Organization Selection” biopharmaceutical developer Jinwon Life Sciences VGXI has been selected as a member of the Quick Response Cooperation Organization supported by the U.S. government. Jinwon Life Sciences is commissioned to develop and produce nucleic acid biopharmaceuticals such as gene therapy, DNA vaccines, and RNA drugs ( )

Recently, one or two events of memories that were rampant during the COVID-19 era are coming back to life. Jinwon Life Sciences and Sujentech, which have become marginalized stocks in the market, showed strong performance due to individual favorable factors. Recently, one or two events of memories that were rampant during the COVID-19 era are coming back to life. Jinwon Life Sciences and Sujentech, which have become marginalized stocks in the market, showed strong performance due to individual favorable factors.

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Jinwon Life Sciences was gradually rising from the floor amid favorable factors from its subsidiary, and Sujentech was bullish on the news of its female hormone management solution entering North America. Jinwon Life Sciences was gradually rising from the floor amid favorable factors from its subsidiary, and Sujentech was bullish on the news of its female hormone management solution entering North America.

Above all, however, France, where the Paris Olympics are being held following Japan and the U.S., is also relatively calm, and the coronavirus is spreading around the world again as the number of confirmed cases increases and the number of athletes giving up their competition is increasing. Above all, however, France, where the Paris Olympics are being held following Japan and the U.S., is also relatively calm, and the coronavirus is spreading around the world again as the number of confirmed cases increases and the number of athletes giving up their competition is increasing.

As a result, stocks that were the leading stocks at the time of COVID-19 such as MacICS, Labjinomics, Access Bio, and Humasis are on the rise, so related stocks should also check the flow steadily. This was the last trading day of July. We will finish posting stock issues on the 31st. Thank you for reading today, all of you As a result, stocks that were the leading stocks at the time of COVID-19 such as MacICS, Labjinomics, Access Bio, and Humasis are on the rise, so related stocks should also check the flow steadily. This was the last trading day of July. We will finish posting stock issues on the 31st. Thank you for reading today, all of you

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★Introduction of J-T’s regular stock room★Hello. I’m Jetty from Yeouido Stock Issue. Posting important issues and stocks of the day while doing stocks… ★ Introducing JT’s regular stock room★Hello. I’m Jetty from Yeouido Stock Issue. Posting important issues and stocks of the day while doing stocks…



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