Last night’s market economy – 4/11 (CPI shock, Iran/Hormuz Strait, 3 major indexes, Big Tech, U.S. semiconductor, Google/Meta, etc.)

Iran begins to refer to its best card, the Strait of Hormuz blockade card. It is a passageway for trade resources such as energy, so if it is blocked, prices will be stimulated.Source: Current affairs dictionary ( )1) The CPI is high. I posted yesterday that I was worried. By the way…2) Mr. Pom’s minutes continue to tell the story of 2 percent. The rest is in the second half of the bottom…3) Fitch mentioned China’s rating. Well, that’s not the case anymore.4) Despite the continued depreciation of the yen, BoJ says it can reduce bond purchases.What is it? A strategy to maximize exports with the yen’s depreciation? What Japan looks like during the boom period from 1970 to 1985?5) the Japan-U.S. summit. North Korea succeeded in attracting Japan. Kim, you’ve been quiet for the past few days.6) Companies trying to reduce their dependence on Nvidia 7) Apple or Tesla seem to be trying to get out of China, and India has emerged as an alternative 8) The nuance of whether it is the bottom of Nvidia?9) the decline in the three major indexes. However, dozy candles are all made. It ends above the free field.CPI shock?I don’t think so. Of course, there is a possibility of further declines today. (PPI remains) Or?10)The interest rate on government bonds is UpUpUpUp!!!11) The Vix index also rose 5.5 percent. not go up as much as someone thinks12) The writing team seems to have fought well in its own way13)CPI 3.5(YoY)Cherry blossoms fall and roses bloom. Big Tech is like a faded azalea? Thanks to Big Tech, the decline has shrunk.15) Sunpi sector index and energy exclusion all fell.- Envidia rose. Probably a low-cost order?- Intel continues to decline despite news of Gaudi 3. still seem to reflect foundry losses- Non-NVIDIA Assistance- Google Chip refers to the H100, but Nvidia will release the next model at the same time. Isn’t there a generation difference?- Building a data center in Japan.- Sales have increased. The problem is the U.S. establishment감지된 언어가 없습니다.

입력 언어를 확인해 주세요.16) semiconductor war- The scale of Korea is weak. If things go on like this, everything will be taken away- The United States is calling for threats and carrots. Samsung also increased its investment. More TSMC, too. You’re going to build a two-nanometer factory? I’m a little worried about Taiwan.- be likely to achieve- India will also jump in. India has sufficient infrastructure such as talented people- Carrot books in full operation in Japan too17) Index ETF Not goodRaw material market conditions. “Oil price/Cheongga Oreum”. weakness of money- referencing19)Dollars exceed 10520) aforementioned story- significant increase in energy- Bidding for 10-year government bonds slumped- CPI slashes June interest rate cut to 15%- referencing21) Ueda’s remarks on regulating the purchase of government bonds- I haven’t told you when, but are you aiming for about yen?Today is the day when PPI comes out.It may give a rebound or accelerate the decline. PPI is a precursor to CPI.-ECB interest rates were frozen. We have to wait and see what the U.S. looks like, but we are also interested in whether we can freeze it next time. The euro has continued to appreciate recentlyIt’s enough for us.I can do it.

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